(415) 991-3677

Start targeting households in your local
area that are most likely to go solar

Reach the households that use the most energy to
generate leads and boost engagement.

Find out how

Better Solar Marketing

begins with better household data

CustomMail combines induvial household energy data, personalized direct mail, and targeted digital marketing to boost solar new customer acquisition

Whether your company focuses on telesales, digital and lead gen, or canvassing, we can help you do it better.

  • + Energy Data
  • + Email
  • + Direct Mail
  • + Digital & Personalized Solar Landing Pages

Personalized and Optimized
Direct Mail built for the
clean energy industry.

CustomMail enables solar installers to target both incoming
leads and new prospects with highly targeted and effective
direct mail.

  • Target specific neighborhoods
  • Target specific neighborhoods and high value households
  • Drive traffic to personalized solar landing pages
  • Includes A/B Testing & Optimization
It’s fast, affordable, and simple



We help you create and delivery postcard designs that get read and drive customers to action. We know solar and integrate customized solar data right into your postcard.



Custommail intergrates your print mail campaign with digital to deliver a more effective campaign – including personalized landing pages and dynamic ads. That means more clicks and customers.



Whether your targeting current leads or generating new leads, CustomMail can help you run highly targeted homeowner campaigns that reach your buyer and geography..

Take your solar outbound and inbound marketing to the next level

Its easy, fast, and low cost.
Get Demo